• • Open: 08:00-18:30 •
  • Call: 01536 526526 • Out of Hours: 111 •

Eskdaill Medical - Publication Scheme

Part One: Introduction

This Publication Scheme is a complete guide to the information routinely made available to the public by Eskdaill Medical. It is a description of the information about Eskdaill Medical and the General Practitioners that work there, which is available to the public. It will be reviewed at regular intervals and we will monitor its effectiveness.

How much does it cost?

Publications are all free unless otherwise indicated. Where there is a charge for providing information the cost will be calculated as set out in each class.

How do we make information available?

Information may be downloaded from our practice website www.eskdaillmedical.co.uk otherwise it is available in hard copy from the Practice Manager as indicated for each class of information.


If you have any comments about the operation of this Publication Scheme, or how we have dealt with your request for information from the Scheme, please write to:

The Manager
Eskdaill Medical
Prospect House
NN16 8DN

Part Two: Classes of Information

All information at Eskdaill Medical is held, retained and destroyed in accordance with NHS guidelines.

Our commitment to publish information excludes any information that can be legitimately withheld under the exemptions set out in the NHS Openness Code or Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Where individual Classes are subject to exemptions, the main reasons are the protection of commercial interests and the protection of confidential personal information under the Data Protection Act 1998.  This applies to all Classes within the Publication Scheme.

The information included in this Scheme is grouped into 7 broad categories.


Class 1 information

Who we are:

Eskdaill Medical
Prospect House
NN16 8DN

This NHS practice is part of NHS Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board and provides services for patient living within the boundaries identified in the Practice Leaflet and on our website. It supplies services in accordance with a general medical services contract held with NHS Northamptonshire.


Practice Opening Hours:

The practice is open at the following hours:

Monday to Friday 08:00 - 18:30


Out of hours cover is provided by the Emergency Doctors Answering Service, please ring 111 

Key personnel;

Dr Raj Kapur - Senior Partner

Dr Katie Bland - Partner

Dr Paul Wilson - Partner

Dr Harpreet Sehmi - Partner

Dr Charlotte Stanford - Partner

Dr Matthew Maye - Associate GP

Dr Emma Smith - Associate GP

Dr Alison Harris - Associate GP

Dr Julee James - Associate GP

Dr Amy Disley - Associate GP

Dr Pranav Sharma - Associate GP



Our manager is Mr David Naylor.

Our Nurse Practitioners are Laura, Paula and Karen.

Our Practice Nurses are Helen and Ritsuko.

Our Health Care Assistant is Karen.


This practice aims to follow national and local best practice guidelines, including the NICE best practice guidelines and the National Service Frameworks.  


Some information will be withheld including personal, confidential information about individuals that is protected by the Data Protection Act 1998.

A full list of the services provided will be found in Class 7 Information.”

Class 2 Information

Financial and funding information

Eskdaill Medical receives money from NHS Northamptonshire ICB according to its contract with NHS Northamptonshire ICB in exchange for services provided for patients.

The total income received from the NHS before expenses in 2008/09 was £1252K.

The sum spent on drugs prescribed by Eskdaill Medical in 2008/09 was £1473K.

Class 3 information

Practice Priorities

The practice is committed to improving the health and quality of life of our patients. The practice will support initiatives to improve the provision of health services including those within the NHS Plan, National Service Frameworks and the Health Improvement Programme.  The practice will strive to meet all responsibilities under Clinical Governance Guidelines.

As well as providing a high standard of comprehensive general medical services, the practice is sensitive to patient needs and offers a wide range of additional patient services.

Please see our practice website for more information www.eskdaillmedical.co.uk

Class 4 information

How we make decisions

The Practice is a partnership of four GPs, decisions are made by consensus and with input from our Practice Team and our Patient Participation Group.

Please see our practice website for more information www.eskdaillmedical.co.uk

Class 5 Information

Our policies and procedures

Administrative Guidelines:

-          Carers information and guidance

-          Chest Pain Guidelines for GP Receptionist

-          Compulsory checks to prevent illegal working

-          Disaster Recovery Plans

-          Employment Reference Policy

-          Financial Controls

-          Follow-up of tests/investigations results

-          Medical Equipment

-          Medical Records

-          Overseas Visitors

-          PA Operating procedures

-          Passport Photo forms

-          Patient Complaints

-          Patient Removal Policy

-          Patients without appointments

-          Practice Assessments

-          Private Patients

-          Records Management Policy

-          Referred Registrations

-          Registration Procedures

-          Repeat Prescribing

-          Retention of Records                       


Clinical Guidelines:

-          Asthma                                         

-          Cancer Care

-          Carers

-          Cervical Cytology                                                                          

-          Chaperones

-          Chronic Heart Disease

-          Child Protection/Childhood Screening

-          Chronic Kidney Disease

-          Clinical Stock Management

-          Consent forms

-          Contraception, Services    

-          Depression

-          Diabetes

-          Ear Syringing       

-          Infection Control                                                                           

-          Infertility Guidelines

-          Low Clinical Priority Guidelines

-          Patient Group Directives

-          Shared Care Guidelines

-          Smoking Cessation                                   

-          Specialist Nurse Guidelines

-          Substance Abuse                                      

-          Therapy                                         



This practice follows the NHS complaints procedure and follows a strict protocol when dealing with all complaints.

A copy of the practice complaints procedure is available from:

The Manager
Eskdaill Medical
Prospect House
NN16 8DN

Or from our Website www.eskdaillmedical.co.uk or ask at Reception.

Class 6 Information

Currently maintained lists and registers

There is no applicable information available for this publication scheme.


Class 7 Information.

Our Services:

As well as providing a high standard of comprehensive general medical services, the practice is sensitive to patient needs and offers a wide range of additional patient services including:

General Medical/Surgical Services

-          Practice Nursing - in-practice and domiciliary

-          Community Nursing

-          New Patient Health Check

-          Minor Illness Sessions

-          Minor Injury Service

-          Minor Operations

-          ECG service


Chronic Disease Management

-          Diabetic Health Care

-          Asthma monitoring and management

-          Ischaemic Heart Disease Reviews

-          Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

-          Epilepsy

-          Dementia

-          Chronic Kidney Disease

-          Atrial Fibrillation


Services for Children

-          Paediatric Immunisation Clinic

-          Paediatric Development Clinic


Services for Female Patients

-          Ante-natal/Post-natal Clinic

-          Family Planning Services

-          Family Planning Counselling

-          Cervical Cytology    

-          Management of the Menopause


Health Promotion/Prevention Services

-          Well Person Assessments and Advice

-          Hypertension Monitoring

-          Health Abroad Advice

-          Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Clinics

-          Exercise Referral programme

-          Weight Management


Services for the Elderly

-          Community Nursing



-          Practice Website

-          Practice Information Booklet (including Patients Charter)

-          Patient Information Plasma Screen presentations

-          Jayex patient call display system

-          Jayex patient self-check-in system

-          Notice Boards


The practice has worked hard to develop and improve services for patients, including the development of the Nurse Practitioner Role.  This has provided more immediate access for support and information for patients with chronic disease (and their carers).  They can also see patients with minor illness and about contraceptive advice/treatment.

The practice offers extended consultations throughout each week, to diagnose, treat and monitor patients with chronic disease.  In addition to long standing services we have added: 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for more effective diagnosis and management of hypertension and a Spirometry service to aid diagnosis and appropriate management of COPD.   The practice undertakes regular review and audit of all areas of chronic disease management.

Services for young people are continually reviewed and developed.  Contact is informal, with improved and extended information and advice available. We also have close liaison with other community agencies providing this service.

We continuously review and amend access to doctors and offer 24-hour” appointments i.e. only bookable 24 hours in advance, as routine. Forward booking is available for review/follow-up appointments, clinic appointments and patients unable to take advantage of routine appointments.

All doctors and practice nurses are involved in opportunistic efforts to encourage patients to stop smoking.  If necessary, patients can be referred on for more intensive or group therapy treatment, outside of the practice.

Your records on paper or computer are confidential and for the use of NHS doctors and staff involved in the provision of your healthcare. There are times when information may also be disclosed for statutory or legal reasons.   We will not release details (no matter how trivial they may appear), to anyone else, without your permission.  In the case of children, information will only be released to parent(s) or guardian(s) on a discretionary basis.  We may request written consent and/or proof of identity before we release information.  Please help us to keep your records accurate by informing us of any change to name, address or telephone number.

The practice is registered under and complies with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Access to Health Records Act 1990.  If you wish to access your medical records please ask for an application form from reception.  A charge will be made for copies of medical records.

If you require any further information please contact the Manager, Mr David Naylor.

This Publication Scheme

Cost of Information

Some information is available free, but there may be a nominal charge to cover costs if you require a hard copy of information. 

These charges will vary according to how information is made available.

Charges are as follows:

a) Web site - free of charge (charges for Internet Service provider and personal printing costs would have to be met by the individual). The practice and ICB web addresses are www.eskdaillmedical.co.uk & https://www.icnorthamptonshire.org.uk/icb/ 

b) Leaflets and brochures - free of charge for most leaflets or booklets about services we offer to the public. Further details are available from the Practice Manager.

c) E-mail information - free of charge unless specified otherwise

d) Facebook page - free of charge

These charges will be reviewed regularly.

Part Three: Useful Resources

Web sites:

Information Commissioner: https://ico.org.uk/ 

NHS Freedom of Information web site: https://www.england.nhs.uk/contact-us/foi/ 


All material available through this Publication Scheme is subject to the General Practices copyright unless otherwise indicated. Unless expressly indicated to the contrary, it may be reproduced free of charge in any format or medium provided it is done so accurately in a manner that will not mislead. Where items are re-published or copied to others, you must identify the source and acknowledge copyright status. This permit does not extend to third party material, accessed through the scheme. 



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